Yobish Behaviour

Now you see hood rats that range from the age of fifteen to fifty and they act like them too. Grandad, get a clue and grow up.

They have no ambitions in life and poodle along in some sort of bubble. You know the type still living with their parents, not happy in their job but with no idea of what they want to change. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying living at home with parents is wrong, I myself only recently moved out because I was lucky. I understand with the cost of housing now days it is difficult, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try or have future plans.

I had the pleasure of having one of these tweens sent up to help me at work. The conversation was nothing but me asking questions and her giving one word answers and grunting like some primeval cave woman. They have no idea of how to communicate with human beings apart from other primeval beings just like them.

The most I got from this ‘conversation’ was that she had done work experience and been offered a job so took it. She had no ambition and thought her job was ok, she neither enjoyed it nor was happy with it. This girl had no higher education and no brain power to make her life better, she couldn’t be bothered, pure and simple.

You may ask what harm they do? Well, the main reason for this blog entry is because of a story one of my friends told me in which one impacted on her life. She was on an escalator when one of these tween yobs in his thirties decided to lob a hard sweet in her face. You would expect nothing less from a teenager putting it down to raging hormones. However when you are talking about a fully grown adult it makes you wonder… is society doing enough to prevent this sort of behaviour.

To be honest, my argument has always been yes but I’m starting to wonder. We learn our behaviour from parents, school, and society as a whole. We learn right from wrong in our everyday lives, from tv, books and the media. How have these tweens been left out? Maybe they haven’t, maybe they have learnt from watching trash like Eastenders where it seems perfectly normal to be related to and sleep with everyone on your street. Perhaps they feel that there is no punishment for wrong doings, from the lacklustre penalties handed out by our……..system, which means that instances like the one with my friend are not so bad. Well they are.

You can’t help but take things like that personally, why did he pick me out? You start questioning yourself. Do I look weird? Did I act weird? Why me? This small instance can have a huge impact on someone’s life.

I have no answers to any of the questions raised nor do I intend to even guess what’s going on. I just wonder how people can have no ambition or think about what they want to achieve in life and how to do it. How can you be happy simply bumbling along?

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