
Ok so normally I, like many of you, are one of those people who don’t accept fliers from people on the street. I understand it gets annoying having pieces of paper shoved in your face while you are hurrying around this big city. It’s not like you get it once in a while, it’s a daily occurrence, either someone’s trying to sell you something, have you sign up for something or promoting something.

But for the last few weeks I have been one of those hellish flyer givers, promoting the salon I work for. Now I know how frustrating it is to be ignored like I am some kind of paranormal creature. I know some people don’t want random bits of paper floating around their bags, believe me I get it. However I know you saw me, you know you saw me, we both know you know I’m there don’t just walk past and not acknowledge my existence it’s down right rude.

Oh and for all of you that are on the phone, whatever, funny how it didn’t ring but you conveniently answered it at the point where you may have to communicate with, god forbid, a stranger with a leaflet.

What’s worse though is those people who look at you with fire in their eyes and yell ‘no’. Usually these are the people, in my humble opinion, that need the beauty treatments. Walking around with hair like they just got pulled a bush backwards and a face like a dribbling fish. You need a beauty flier, I’m only trying to help you politely here.

Lastly are those that take it begrudgingly, but don’t have the balls to either ignore you or yell ‘no’. They pretend to browse it with a thoughtful expression as they walk off and then dash it on the floor when your out of eye shot. I know who you are, I didn’t need to see you throw it. Ok firstly these cost money, man up, have the guts to say no, but smile while you do it so your not in the above category. Secondly do you think I like standing here? Do you think it’s a hobby for me? No! For you to throw it away is like you are saying my job is worthless. Don’t insult my intelligence at least keep it until you get home then put it in to the recycle bin.

Next time you see a flier giver don’t do any of the above!

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