Post Work out foods

Straight after a workout you should eat to rejuvenate and revitalise your body. You should feed your muscles to aid healing. The rule of thumb is eat half the calories you burnt during your training session.

You should make it a mix of complex carbs, protein and some fat to replenish energy stores and repair your muscles.

1. Organic grapes: After a workout your body is filled with lactic acid, these are an alkaline fruit to replenish your ph levels.

2. Dates: High in potassium to restore the body.

3. Sweet potato: packed with vitamins and minerals to restock your reserves.

4. Peanut butter and banana on brown rice cakes: Replenishes your energy levels

5. Brown Pitta and hummus: hummus is made with chick peas, mixed with brown pitta bread will fill your body with protein and slow release carbs replenishing energy levels.

6. Turkey and cheese with apple slices: Packed with protein and low in carbs great snack.

7. Protein shake with Banana: This will aid muscle repair and give you a boost of potassium and sugar to aid energy levels.

8. Tuna on brown bread: The mix of protein and carbs will help your muscles continue to build post work out.

9. Trail mix: Will power you up after a hard session.

10. Chocolate Milk: Studies have shown that Chocolate milk replenishes tired muscles and speeds up recovery.

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