Country Roads, where I don’t belong

So I was working and staying with my friend in high barnet. I loved it but there was one slight hiccup, I had an hours walk to work and back again, which normally wouldn’t bother me. However, there, in what I call the country, it is downright dangerous especially at night.

Firstly the pavements are extremely narrow and you find yourself actually standing in the road to let other people pass. So you end up standing on a very busy road faced with dodging on coming traffic. Why are the pavements not wider? Like if I was building a pavement I would make sure there was enough room for at least two people to walk side by side down it. It’s not like there isn’t the room to even expand the pavement. On one side is the deadly road and on the other just bushes. Cut back the god damn bushes to save people dying, it’s not rocket science.

This is a pretty dangerous during the day, but at night time becomes a fight for survival. The lighting is so bad that you can barely see a foot in front of you. The cars cant see you, they speed around bends oblivious of your presence. If you have to step in to the road now because some other person is coming in the other direction your dead. But now the cars are the least of your worries, actually they become your friend because they bring people and light. Not like those dark bushes, that take up pavement space and could easily conceal a rapist, murderer, thief or dead body. I mean its not like people clean the bushes or look through them, of that I have proof in the form of a dead fox that I have walked past, laying in one of them for a week.

At this point you are probably thinking, why not use the pavement on the other side of the road? Well I will tell you. Because there isn’t one! There is one pavement that cleverly alternates sides. Note the sarcasm in ‘cleverly’. It’s the stupidest idea ever, whoever had it should be made to stand in that road as a lollypop man…forever. I would like to add there would be room for another pavement except for the fact that massive houses with their rich old owners need that extra foot of garden on top of the 90 foot squared one they have.

“But crossing a road is easy” you may say. No it’s not. They don’t even have proper lights or pavements what makes you think someone would put in a crossing.There are no pelican crossings, zebra crossings, red light crossings, or another kind of crossings because that would make sense. So now not only can the cars not see you, your trying to avoid the rapists and hoping someone doesn’t want to walk past you but now you have to cross the road without a crossing or light. Even if the cars can see you they don’t stop. You see the drivers look at you and just drive past. They know you want to cross and don’t care. On the odd occasion someone does stop to let you cross it is usually a man in a white van. Yeah say what you want about white van men but at least they stop traffic tolet you cross.

The last bit of this rant is about this inconsiderate nobs that decide to park on the only pavement and safe walkway forcing you to walk in the road. Where the cars should be.

Some of you may say “we’ll maybe these roads aren’t for walking.” Why is there a pavement then? Ha?

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