“Gentle relief from constipation” LIES!

It’s never gentle, it feels like someone is twisting your guts with their bare hands.

Once you have taken a laxative you have roughly seven hours before it feels like you are dying out of your bottom. Heaven forbid your not at home when the belly bomb erupts, this is always a danger.

It starts with a deep rumbling like trapped gas, this is the beginning of the end. Yes not only do you have to deal with pain but throw in an embarrassing noisy belly, like you ate a live animal and its trying to send a code through your belly button. It gets worse until it reaches an unbearable hight and you feel like you need to fart. DO NOT! Its trying to trick you, next thing you will feel is a trickle running down your leg. So at that point you run to the toilet and sit down. It’s like your stomach knows.

See I never got that, how does it know? It’s like when you need a wee and the closer you get to your house the stronger the urge and harder to hold it becomes. When you finally reach your front door it becomes almost impossible to keep control of those muscles. You panic and putting the key in the door becomes a struggle like no other, but your bladder wouldn’t be so ready to explode if you were still on the bus. I always try and trick it in to thinking Im still on the bus…it never works…it knows.

Anyway back to the lying laxative. You sit on that toilet in agony it feels like your guts are rotting. You feel like you want to be sick because of the pain. Then come the cold sweats and shakes. You think: “Am I going to die? Its not the way I wanted to go really, on the toilet pants round my ankle with shit everywhere! Still if its good enough for Elvis”..until the release. But this is not the end of it.

You feel better and go and lay down, you need it after that. Ten minuets later, however, the pain returns that little demon is back clawing at your insides. You run back to the safety of the lav. But after this round you are afraid to leave it. So you sit there for ages and end up with a big red toilet seat mark on your bum.

Please tell me which part of this is gentle relief! I think companies should just tell the truth “painful relief from constipation” or “hurts but it will clear you out” What about “will make you think your dying but your not your having a big poo”. They are always skating around what the product does, just put the truth on the box. It’s like Tena lady it’s a nappy for old people, or Tampons they suck up your period, just say that.

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