10 Reasons why Kickboxing is good for adults

1. Increases fitness levels:

Kickboxing is one of the best ways to increase your fitness levels. It incorporates cardiovascular activities as well as strength building exercises. It has been proven that your body will get used to a routine and progress is slower unless you change or increase the intensity but kickboxing classes are always different so your muscles never get used to the same routine.

2. Aids weight loss:

As with any physical exercise Kickboxing will aid in weight loss, but not many excersize classes will give you the same benefits. With kickboxing you are guarantied fun, friends and to learn a new skill.

3. Social:

Every dojo is filled with friendly like minded individuals who are there for the same reasons, to learn a new technique. Learning and taking part in classes together means you naturally progress together in a supportive environment, making friends along the way.

4. Rids stress of the day:

Sometimes the only way to rid the stresses and strains of the day is to take the frustrations out on a punch bag.

5. Helps with flexibility:

As we get older we lose bone mass and flexibility but with exercise we can keep age at bay.

6. Self- defence:

It is important for everyone to know how to defend themselves especially women. Although martial arts in general does not promote violence it does promote self defence and how to get out of situations by causing the least damage to yourself and the attacker.

7. Mental relief:

Martial Arts has been scientifically proven to help with many mental disorders such as depression, eating disorders, and aggression.

8. Sense of achievement:

By learning new techniques and abilities and achieving new belts there is always a new goal to reach for.

9. Confidence building:

All of the above build confidence, self assurance and self worth.

10. Independence and self reliance:

Sometimes as we get older we forget that we can do anything we put our minds to. Kick boxing, progressing and achieving remind us we can reach for the stars without relying on others.

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