Pregnancy why not me?

To all the women trying to get pregnant, its hard, I know. I was trying for five months which is not long compared to others. It finally happened and I miscarried (there is a blog post about it) and now we are back trying again but through it all we learnt, and I thought it was important to share it with you all.

I am not a doctor nor expert so please remember that. But these are my top tips that helped me get pregnant the first time and lets hope again:

  1. Try not to get to negative and feel down, I know its hard but try to stay positive. It happens to many of us and there are others in your position, its not just you. Those pregnant women you see may have been through the same thing maybe its just their time. Stay positive it will happen for you.
  2. I was vegan and at the gym for 2 hours 5 times a week once I cut down to 1 hour 4 times a week and started eating meat and dairy again I fell pregnant, I can not be sure it was either but the nutrition and health has a lot to do with it.
  3. I started taking pre natal vitimins as I was lacking in Iron, and other essential vitamins and minerals.
  4. Take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed. This records your basel temperature and will help you know roughly when your ovulating. It will drop by a few degrees when your ovulating and then spike after.
  5. Get some ovulation strips and use them.
  6. HAVE SEX and keep it spicy!!

I can not be sure which change helped, maybe none and maybe all. To begin me and my partner just decided to come off the pill and see what happened. We did not monitor ovulation, we changed nothing and started to get disheartened when it didn’t happen. I was at the gym, malnourished and tired and so sex was irregular as our lives were getting in the way. I slowly changed my habits and made more time for us, I ate normally instead of being on a constant diet, I lowered my gym time put on a little weight but stayed healthy our relationship got better sex increased and it happened!

We miscarried, we don’t know why these things sometimes just happen, its very common for a first pregnancy to miscarry within the first 3 months. I personally think it may have been due to the tattoo I got the week I must have conceived, but we won’t ever know. But the misscarriage spurred us on to take it more seriously we started checking temperatures and ovulation times and now we are in the best place relationship wise that we have ever been. We are ready for our little one and will keep trying and hoping.

I urge you to share your stories. Stay possitive femmes!

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