
Hello all,

It’s me, again, I am back with so much to tell you.

So, we finally got pregnant again, can you believe it? I thought I would write a quick post on my pregnancy and birth.

My little one is 1 now and life has changed drastically. Ill write something about motherhood also but time is difficult at the moment in lock down with a toddler, and erm….a huge 8 month bump. Yup number 2 is on its way.

First thing I want to say is, as you may know, I misscarried and found it difficult to get pregnant the first time please read past blog posts for more information. But instead of being the brunt of jealousy and hate (like I felt towards pregnant women when I was going through our rough patch) I want you to know I have been there and want to tell you wait, be patient, it will happen! Keep trying and try not to be disheartened. I am always here if anyone wishes to talk!

Anyway so, lets get down to the things no one tells you about pregnancy:

  1. You are pretty much alone through the whole thing, you see your midwife a few times and have a few scans but the majority is you going it alone and ringing the hospital if you are worried. My second pregnancy I was down that hospital constantly so afraid that the first would repeat. My current pregnancy has been a lot more relaxed to be honest I dont have time to keep running backwards and forwards to a hospital, or monitor the movements constantly. Especially with the stuck at home during a pandemic crap!
  2. During the end it gets hard. This one may be known about but I thought I would add it in. You get huge, I mean uncomfortably so. Currently I am sitting on a sofa with lap top on what’s left of my lap leaning forward to reach the keys. I have to make sure I leave double the time to waddle wherever I go and get out of breath easily. The worst bit is that I cant reach my vagina, not to shave (people are gunna be looking down there soon), not to wipe, or do other things (Pregnancy hormones got one craving sex).
  3. They tell you this a lot but I want to give you all a heads up: You have surprise urinations! The first time this happened to me I was so embarrassed. I was out to a lovely dinner of DimSum with my oldest male friend when he made me laugh so hard I pissed myself. I just looked at him wide eyed and told him what happened and he laughed and I made my way to the bathroom hoping I wasn’t dripping wet. I also had to wipe down the leather seat. This doesn’t stop when you have had the baby, you have to really work hard on getting those muscles back. But when you get pregnant again you start leaking piss again…I was six months pregnant when I crouched down to get the little one out of the jumperoo and sneezed…I peed all over the floor.
  4. This one is maybe just for me, but I try my hardest not to get too attached to bump. Its hard with squiggle moving about and the hormones, but for me I worry. I once had a good friend, unfortunately we do not talk anymore, anyway she got to eight and a half months pregnant and felt the babies movements change. My then friend unfortunately lost the baby, she was understandably devastated and the worst thing was that she had to give birth to the baby. I cant imagine how she felt, I cant even begin to think or put myself in her place, its the most unbearable pain and sorrow any woman can go through. Although we dont talk anymore I think that my ex friend is the strongest woman I have ever known. She deserves all the happiness in the world after going through that!

If I think of anymore I will update this list. I am currently writing one on motherhood what they don’t tell you also.

So, for now, I wish you all Adieu and the best of luck!

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