All posts by femmefinesseuk

Just an average Humanitarian, eco warrior, Mixed Martial Artist, Rifle shooting, ex Vegan Geek who believes in inner beauty. She also thinks she is a bit of a comedian...doesn't everybody now days!

The Birth

Everyones birth is different, every pregnancy is different. My first pregnancy was sponsored by peanuts, cheese and apples…TOGETHER….as well as cheese and ham croissants from patisserie Vallerie. This pregnancy however, Nutella sandwiches are my preferred breakfast…..lunch and dinner. My first pregnancy I grew massive within weeks, my second, I was petite until the last month. There are hundreds of other differences between both I could list them all but that’s boring. So lets get down to the gritty stuff: Labour.

First of all don’t stress, don’t worry. I’m not going to lie and say its a breeze, I wont say its not scary, I won’t tell you it doesn’t hurt, it does, A LOT. But what I will tell you is women have been doing this for centuries, and with the pain, the hours of labour, the worry and the exhaustion, straight after I gave birth my partner asked me if I would do it again and I said yes so it couldn’t have been that bad right?!

I highly recommend doing an antenatal course during your pregnancy. This will teach you about your options and all things that may happen as well as hints and tips on how to raise baby. You do not have to do the NCT course which, if you ask me is unnesaserily expensive and a rip off. You can get the exact same course for free from your local health centre, ask your midwife. I also recommend a hipnobirthing course, but not one of the expensive ones, they have them for £20 roughly online. Going a little off topic, but still kind of on the same lines if you want to save money your local NCT or health centre will have “Nearly new sales” where you can get second hand goods for a fraction of the price. I would not recomend a second hand car seat though 😉

Anyway, so I awoke at four in the morning feeling like I needed to pee. I stood up and a whole heap of water just fell out of me. I ran to the bathroom and looked down. There was streaks of bloody water running down my legs I sat down and wiped and a huge bloody piece of what can only be described as snot came out. I called the midwife department at the hospital they told me to come in, so I did. After being subjected to an uncomfortable shoe horn being shoved up my vagina and left there to look for a pool of water, it was concluded that nothing was there and I must have weed myself and I was sent home. As soon as I got home it happened again so I called them and yet again they asked me to come in. They got a specialist to come down checked me and concluded my waters had indeed broken and I was booked in for an induction at 1pm the next day. A whole 21 hours after my waters broke.

So at 1pm me and my parter were in a bed in the hospital, a small tablet was inserted in me and we decided to go for a little walk around. At around 3pm I was in a world of pain, I was contracting constantly. I could hear women around me groaning and then getting a break, but there was no break for me. I knew something was not right, I called the midwife over and she checked me and the baby and said all was fine. I felt comfort in her words and just kept moving while in agony, I cant actually remember much of this, I do remember calling the midwife over on numerous occasions and her easing my worries. At 11pm a new midwife came on the ward as they were doing her hand over she stopped at me and asked how long I had been like this. I exclaimed in a pained voice “Since 3pm” She put a monster on me to check contractions and then looked at the original midwife and said “You mean she has been having constant contractions since 3pm and you have left her here? She is having a reaction to the pesserie.” She quickly called the ward and I was lifted in to a wheel chair and sent down stairs. Once I was in the room I was handed to another midwife who checked me and said I was 2cm dialated, She gave me gas and air and then gave me an injection to stop the contractions, it didn’t work.

At midnight I had had enough! I was in constant pain, I was exhausted, I was confused and wanted it to all stop. “Would you like an epidural?” She asked, I screamed “YES!” Thats right, little Miss “I want it to be natural” was screaming for an epidural. At 3am they managed to get someone to give me an epidural, they also wanted me to read and sign a piece of paper which I really couldn’t do in the state I was in so I asked my partner to read it and I signed it.

At this point I feel I should tell you how my partner was, as people always forget about the guy. He was ripping his hair out. He was stressed and worried, he felt helpless and I cant even begin to imagine what he was going through. He said he didnt know what to do, he read the piece of paper and didnt want to consent due to the clause that said “may cause paralysis” but saw the pain I was in. Once we had signed they told me to stay still…..thats hard when constantly contracting, believe me! My partner held me tightly trying to keep me still as I concentrated. Finally it was all over and I felt the warm trickle through my body as the pain disappeared. Finally they told me to sleep and me and my parter at 4am tried to rest. Him on a chair and me in the bed.

I was awoken for checks in the morning and we carried on the day talking to nurses and doctors who were in and out periodically, checking baby and myself as well as how dialated I was, I think I was fingered by everyone in the hospital! At one point a doctor and his students came in to check on me and I just flashed them all ready for another poke about down there, he looked at me with flushed cheeks and said “No I just need to check your stats”. My parter didnt leave my side, maybe because he was worried about how many other people I would show my bits too, but luckily we had packed snacks and water for him. At 4.30pm the pain returned and we realised the needle had fallen out of my back, at 5.00pm I was 10cm dialated and at 6pm she was born.

I don’t remember much about the hour but I do remember at one point thinking I couldn’t do it. I was tired, hadn’t eaten in 48 hours, and was weak. But I managed to push on through and we got there! I don’t remember there being much pain apart from the pain of needing a poo really badly and I do remember the relief and joy at seeing my baby girl for the first time. As I put her on my chest my parter said “You wanna do all this again?” and my response with no hesitation was “YES!”.


Hello all,

It’s me, again, I am back with so much to tell you.

So, we finally got pregnant again, can you believe it? I thought I would write a quick post on my pregnancy and birth.

My little one is 1 now and life has changed drastically. Ill write something about motherhood also but time is difficult at the moment in lock down with a toddler, and erm….a huge 8 month bump. Yup number 2 is on its way.

First thing I want to say is, as you may know, I misscarried and found it difficult to get pregnant the first time please read past blog posts for more information. But instead of being the brunt of jealousy and hate (like I felt towards pregnant women when I was going through our rough patch) I want you to know I have been there and want to tell you wait, be patient, it will happen! Keep trying and try not to be disheartened. I am always here if anyone wishes to talk!

Anyway so, lets get down to the things no one tells you about pregnancy:

  1. You are pretty much alone through the whole thing, you see your midwife a few times and have a few scans but the majority is you going it alone and ringing the hospital if you are worried. My second pregnancy I was down that hospital constantly so afraid that the first would repeat. My current pregnancy has been a lot more relaxed to be honest I dont have time to keep running backwards and forwards to a hospital, or monitor the movements constantly. Especially with the stuck at home during a pandemic crap!
  2. During the end it gets hard. This one may be known about but I thought I would add it in. You get huge, I mean uncomfortably so. Currently I am sitting on a sofa with lap top on what’s left of my lap leaning forward to reach the keys. I have to make sure I leave double the time to waddle wherever I go and get out of breath easily. The worst bit is that I cant reach my vagina, not to shave (people are gunna be looking down there soon), not to wipe, or do other things (Pregnancy hormones got one craving sex).
  3. They tell you this a lot but I want to give you all a heads up: You have surprise urinations! The first time this happened to me I was so embarrassed. I was out to a lovely dinner of DimSum with my oldest male friend when he made me laugh so hard I pissed myself. I just looked at him wide eyed and told him what happened and he laughed and I made my way to the bathroom hoping I wasn’t dripping wet. I also had to wipe down the leather seat. This doesn’t stop when you have had the baby, you have to really work hard on getting those muscles back. But when you get pregnant again you start leaking piss again…I was six months pregnant when I crouched down to get the little one out of the jumperoo and sneezed…I peed all over the floor.
  4. This one is maybe just for me, but I try my hardest not to get too attached to bump. Its hard with squiggle moving about and the hormones, but for me I worry. I once had a good friend, unfortunately we do not talk anymore, anyway she got to eight and a half months pregnant and felt the babies movements change. My then friend unfortunately lost the baby, she was understandably devastated and the worst thing was that she had to give birth to the baby. I cant imagine how she felt, I cant even begin to think or put myself in her place, its the most unbearable pain and sorrow any woman can go through. Although we dont talk anymore I think that my ex friend is the strongest woman I have ever known. She deserves all the happiness in the world after going through that!

If I think of anymore I will update this list. I am currently writing one on motherhood what they don’t tell you also.

So, for now, I wish you all Adieu and the best of luck!

Pregnancy why not me?

To all the women trying to get pregnant, its hard, I know. I was trying for five months which is not long compared to others. It finally happened and I miscarried (there is a blog post about it) and now we are back trying again but through it all we learnt, and I thought it was important to share it with you all.

I am not a doctor nor expert so please remember that. But these are my top tips that helped me get pregnant the first time and lets hope again:

  1. Try not to get to negative and feel down, I know its hard but try to stay positive. It happens to many of us and there are others in your position, its not just you. Those pregnant women you see may have been through the same thing maybe its just their time. Stay positive it will happen for you.
  2. I was vegan and at the gym for 2 hours 5 times a week once I cut down to 1 hour 4 times a week and started eating meat and dairy again I fell pregnant, I can not be sure it was either but the nutrition and health has a lot to do with it.
  3. I started taking pre natal vitimins as I was lacking in Iron, and other essential vitamins and minerals.
  4. Take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed. This records your basel temperature and will help you know roughly when your ovulating. It will drop by a few degrees when your ovulating and then spike after.
  5. Get some ovulation strips and use them.
  6. HAVE SEX and keep it spicy!!

I can not be sure which change helped, maybe none and maybe all. To begin me and my partner just decided to come off the pill and see what happened. We did not monitor ovulation, we changed nothing and started to get disheartened when it didn’t happen. I was at the gym, malnourished and tired and so sex was irregular as our lives were getting in the way. I slowly changed my habits and made more time for us, I ate normally instead of being on a constant diet, I lowered my gym time put on a little weight but stayed healthy our relationship got better sex increased and it happened!

We miscarried, we don’t know why these things sometimes just happen, its very common for a first pregnancy to miscarry within the first 3 months. I personally think it may have been due to the tattoo I got the week I must have conceived, but we won’t ever know. But the misscarriage spurred us on to take it more seriously we started checking temperatures and ovulation times and now we are in the best place relationship wise that we have ever been. We are ready for our little one and will keep trying and hoping.

I urge you to share your stories. Stay possitive femmes!

How to look after your skin

Skincare 1

We start the new year with resolutions, undoubtedly broken half way through, but this year why don’t you start with a new skincare regime and stick to it. Around the winter our skin really does suffer, all that time out fighting the cold, wind and rain combined with the late nights and early mornings; not forgetting the piled on make-up and alcohol consumption leaves skin dry and dehydrated.

The skin is one of the largest organs of the body, it gives us clues to its own health and reflects the health of other body systems this is why it is important to keep it healthy. It varies in thickness on different parts of the body, for instance it is thinnest on the eyelids and lips and thickest on the soles of your feet and palms of your hands, it is imperative to take care of the skin on your face because it is light and sensitive. The skin can be divided in to two parts the epidermis and dermis.

The epidermis is the surface layer of the skin these are the outermost skin cells which are constantly lost through wear and tear. There is no blood supply to these layers and so all the cells are dead. The only living cells are those right at the bottom where nourishment is provided by a blood supply from the dermis. The cells in the bottom layer keep producing daughter cells which are pushed upward towards the surface where they die and are rubbed off. The epidermis consists of five layers which all do different things. They let the sun through giving us Vitimin D, produce Keratin a protein that protects the skin, and they contain the pigment Melanin which gives us our skin colour. The Dermis is under the Epidermis, this is called the true skin it contains blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, sweat glands and oil glands. It is made up of elastic connective tissues and has the main job of holding the skin in shape, giving it the ability to resume its original position that’s why it will return to shape straight after you pinch it. 

Daily you should cleanse, tone and moisturise using specific products for your skin. All brands cater for different skin types and it will say what type it is on the bottle. Do not wash your face with soap or baby wipes these will push dirt in to your pores and clog them, causing spots. Start by getting some cotton pads with a dab of cleanser applied to them. Use this to cleanse your face, using warm water to open the pores and get all the dirt out. Next wipe your face with a plain cotton pad soaked in warm water. Now to tone, use cold water on the pad, add some toner and wipe your face, the cold water will close the pores ready for the last step, moisturising. This should be done every morning and night, never go to bed with your make-up on and always moisturise to protect your skin.

Weekly you should give yourself one or two facials. First cleanse your face by putting boiling water in a bowl, put your face over the steam and cover your head and bowl with a towel let the steam gently open up your porse. If you have oily skin put a few drops of Tea Tree oil in the water, for sensitive or dry skin try some rose oil and for combination skin try witch Hazel. Next step in our facial is exfoliation. If your skin is dry, exfoliate twice a week to rid the layer of dead cells. If you have oily skin exfoliate once a week but be gentle if you are too rough it could cause your sebaciouse glands to produce more oil to protect the skin. If you have combination skin exfoliate your whole face once a week and exfoliate just your dry patches on the second facial of the week. After your exfoliation you should apply a face mask. For oily skin you should use a tea tree clay mask apply it generously to the whole of your face and let it dry for 10 minuets before washing it off. Dry skin reacts better to a moisturising face mask that doesn’t dry try a Sink in Vitamin E mask. An Aloe Vera or chamomile and rose protective mask would be best for sensitive skin. For combination skin you should use the tea tree mask on the T-zone and a moisturising mask on the dry cheeks. Lastly to complete your facial moisturise using a cream specifically designed for your skin type and always apply in an upward motion.

Skin Type:



Has an even healthy colour over the face and neck, Your skin has a smooth texture without blemishes. This skin is the easiest to look after, you can use products for normal skin.


Generally even colour although cheeks are prone to redness. The texture is usually a little rough and uneven. It has small pores and is not producing enough of its own oil to keep the cells moisturised. For this skin you should gently exfoliate twice a week and use heavy moisturisers.


If your skin is rougher and pinker than normal you are dehydrated. People who are dehydrated think they have dry skin but that is not the case. It is not getting the moisture from inside so drink more water.


The surface of your skin is shiny from sebum or oil.The colour is dull and pores are larger making you prone to spots and black heads. You should use products specifically for oily skin that are not greasy.


Combination skin is a mixture of different skin types. Usually people with combination skin have an oily t-zone which is your forehead and nose and dry cheeks. You can buy products for combination skin but you should use different face masks on the different skin types.


Skin is red and sore, you may develop irregular patches of dryness and irritation, any skin type can be sensitive. Skin changes every several years so you may gain or lose sensitivities during your life. You should use products made specifically for sensitive skin that are not perfumed.  

Martial Arts and Kids

Martial Arts is becoming one of the top sports to combat the rise of obesity and diabetes in children. In this day and age where computer games and TV have over taken the want and need to play outside it is important we keep our little monkeys fit and healthy.

At the Martial Arts place we understand that all children have different levels of fitness and abilities and believe that all deserve a good start. “TMAP pay close attention to how children excersize, their technique, punching, kicking, positioning and posture” Said Hazel Amper a childrens Physiotherapist. “A wide range of children benefit from Kickboxing at The Martial Arts Place. From the non active child to the very active child keen on sport already, this could be a new excersize to try out, its higher intensity than most excersize classes that they would normaly do so they get a lot fitter” she added. The Martial Arts place adapt their classes depending on the childs fitness levels so all little monkeys get the most out of every lesson “The way they run their classes is that there is a good warm up in the beginning so blood starts running around the body, muscles are warming up. Then there is the stretching, so the muscles are lengthened out ready for the next lot of excersize. Next comes the kickboxing focusing on kicking and punching working on their technique. Last they play a game, again this is using all the vital core muscles, cardiovascular and flexability are encompased throughout the class” Amper explained.

It is important to remember that Kickboxing teaches important skills that are transferable in everyday life in a fun environment. “There is 45 minuets to an hour of high intensity excersize without the impression that it is hard work” added Amper. Children learn Respect for others and themselves, disciplin and Concentration, as well as receiving self fulfilment and from attaining belts and reaching goals. Learning self defence in a discaplined supervised environment also teaches a child how to avert a situation and get out of conflict as efficiently as possible. Martial Arts builds a childs self esteem and confidence, they make friends and learn to communicate with other children as well as adults. All of these are integral to build a happy, healthy child and help toward accademic sucsess.

“So many conditions or issues that children have especially at that growing phase of their life can be benefited by doing kickboxing classes especially at the Martial Arts Place because of the way the classes are designed. I have referred quite a few children that I have seen at the Physiotherapy clinic to attend the classes because they have really weak core muscles. This can cause symptoms such as back pain, neck pain, and poor posture. They are tight in their muscles and stiff from sitting down all day so to come to somewhere like TMAP where they learn stretches, do a good warm up and can get fit and have fun is brilliant.”


I recently went to hospital for a twisted knee, it popped out during a grappling match in MMA. This happens a lot to me so I thought I should get it checked out. The emergency room were amazing, Quick and efficient it was the aftercare which left a lot to be desired. I was scanned and they found out that I do not have the muscles that stop my knee cap from folding the wrong way. I could have been born like this as my mother has the same problem.

To begin with the specialist came in with my Xray and said I could not possibly done what I said I had because I had a muscle that would not allow that kind of turn. I had to argue my point before he went to ask a supervisor. The supervisor came and looked at my Xray and told me, and the first doctor, that what I had said could have happened and if the original doctor had done his job properly and actually taken notice of my scan instead of reading off what he saw in a book maybe he would have spotted the fact that the ligaments were not present.

They then sent me to physio to strengthen the muscles for a few weeks  and sent me a date to go and see if I had improved or if I needed an operation. They sent me a date, then sent me another date then cancelled and sent me another date, when I called had no knowledge of me and then sent me a final letter saying I had not turned up and so they were not going to see me…so now I am stuck not knowing if my knees are getting better, if I need an operation or if I can return to fighting.

This is not my first experience with the NHS and its not the worst.

My Nan went in to hospital for an operation that ‘rid her of cancer’ a week after the op she died…of cancer. The funny thing is she kept saying “I’m dying” we were like, “no you’re not, your fine” because the doctor had said she was cured, he had got rid of all her cancer. She had bad pains so we took her back to the hospital, even then the doctor said “What are you doing here? There is nothing wrong with you.” But there was, and she knew that better than any doctor. A few days later she died and what did the autopsy find out? That she died of Cancer!

Another example is that of my neighbours mum who went in to hospital after a fall in which she hit her head. She was ‘checked’ over and they found she had a bad liver. A few days later my neighbour noticed a strange smell coming from her mother’s room she went to look at her head and found an oozing pussy bloody smelly mess. When she questioned the nurse, she was told “Oh I didn’t know she had a bad head.” The doctor said the same thing but that’s why she was originally there, for falling and hitting her head, despite this there was nothing about her head in her medical notes. But how could it have gone unnoticed when it was oozing blood and smelly puss?

My own experience with hospitals is very slim. I do not go to them, I have never stayed in one. But the one time I had to go they did not have the right equipment. My smear had shown abnormalities and pre-cancerous cells and I was called in for a biopsy, the first one went well although the results were abnormal so I was called back for a second one. The gynaecologist had a look with a camera, as did I, as there was a TV with a massive image of my vagina on it, which was seriously off putting. Not only are you going to feel me ripping you in two with the smallest clamp I can be bothered to find but you’re going to see it too. Then she shoves a camera and cotton bud up there and puts dye in that changes colour, to which she explains “Yes you need another biopsy, the cells are abnormal. But I don’t have the right equipment for that. So we will have to call you back.” That was two months ago, I’m still waiting to hear whether they have the ‘right equipment’ yet.

Here’s another example, my other Nan was admitted in to hospital New Years day because she fell over. They sent her back home and the next day she was readmitted with a broken leg. They took her in to operate and during the operation found out she hadn’t just broken one leg but both of them. So her operation went from one leg to two while in the operating theatre causing her to lose a lot of blood and ending up in the ICU unit. Luckily she pulled through. But that is just the beginning of my complaints about her stay. While in the ICU they said she wouldn’t eat we went in and found out that the reason for that was she hadn’t been given her false teeth. So we had to go to find her possessions which were in a plastic bag in the old ward. When she was then sent to another ward, after waiting all day to be moved, we made sure her things went with her.

In the new ward things didn’t get much better. First of all they complained that again she was not eating. We went to make sure she had her teeth in this time and we found they were simply putting the food in front of her. Which would be fine…If she could see. We were very surprised that no one had picked up on the fact that she is partially sighted. So we told them and after a few days they finally put up a sign at her bed. But guess what? It doesn’t end there. The other day we found blisters or bed sores on her heels that no one had noticed. Now this means she hasn’t been checked over, had her bed changed, been washed, asked if she feels any pain, and raises all sorts of questions. One most notably being that the physiotherapist’s advice, to get her out of bed and in to a chair daily, has not happened.

Hospitals and the NHS have been in the news for numerous mistakes just last week there was a story of a woman who went in for a bypass and died because they left a hole in her stomach. It’s not good enough. But of course their argument is ‘We are understaffed due to funding’. This overwork and underpaid attitude explains how things get missed and undiagnosed. Nurses are warn out and tired and everyone makes mistakes when tired. No wonder so many accidents happen and there are so many unexplained deaths.


Going to the doctors is a complete farce now days, in fact, in my opinion, it’s completely pointless. That’s why, if I go to one, believe me, I am sick. I’m talking mind numbingly, wheezy breathing, fainting, high fevered in agonising pain sick. Even then I don’t know why I bothered.

Is it any wonder people don’t bother going to see a doctor when many of us don’t have the time. I usually leave for work at 7.30am and get home at 8ish pm. Since the surgery opens at 8 and closes at 5 I don’t get time to go unless I take the day off. So I awoke Tuesday morning in absolute agony down my ear and throat and thought, ‘damn it I have got an ear infection’. So I rang work and said I would be in late. I then had to wait till 8am to ring up on the extremely lucky chance they will have an emergency appointment. Luckily, on this occasion they did.

Usually you try and get an appointment and they are fully booked. So you try and book one for the day after but their fully booked. You ask ‘When is your next appointment then?’ and they um and arr and finally respond “Next week.” So now you have to book being sick a week in advance, you have to pre-empt your illness. “Right” let’s face it, you expected nothing less than disappointment when you started to make this phone call it comes as no surprise to you. “Well can I book for next week then?” haha, no, no you can’t! Because their ‘appointment books’ don’t go that far, but guarantied when you ring up on Monday their fully booked. How, how did you get booked? Where are all these sick people? Who is booking so many appointments?

Anyway, they give me an appointment in an hour’s time. I’m ready for work anyway, so just make my way there and arrive twenty minutes early in the vein hope that being there early may speed up the process. It didn’t.

I sat there, in the waiting room, surrounded by sick people, for an hour. An entire hour, sat there on mismatched stained seats flicking through old ripped up magazines from the nineties. But at least I’m not alone, right? No I’m surrounded by smelly, weird people. So these are the ones booking all the appointments. They all look contagious coughing, spluttering and sneezing, without even the common decency to cover their mouths spraying their dirty diseases everywhere. You see one or two of them stumble to the desk to complain but none of them have the capacity to speak.

Also, why is there no hand sanitizer? The NHS bangs on about not spreading diseases and yet there is no hand sanitizer in most of the doctors surgeries. Is this not one of the places sick people who have contagious diseases go? Did I get that wrong? Maybe I did, it does look like the inside of a community help centre!

I digress, I do apologise. I finally get called in to the Doctor who says she hasn’t seen me in a long time and how am I? Oh I’m fine, just came for a chat…I’m sick stupid why else would I be here? And of course you haven’t seen me, I can’t be bothered to fight all the misfits in the waiting room, surely it’s a good thing she hasn’t seen me anyway? I explain my throat and ear hurt she checks it, there’s nothing wrong with my ear so she tries to send me home. “No” I yell “there is something wrong this pain is not ‘nothing’” she looks complaitative and checks my throat, and of course it’s a little swollen. “Oh” she exclaims and then feels the outside of my neck “aha” she mumbles before listening to my breathing through a stethoscope. “You have a respiratory infection; your glands have swollen to protect yourself that’s where the pain is coming from. You have probably had it for a while, from over exerting yourself in this cold weather. But your glands are doing a good job so I’m not going to give you medication.” Thank god, it’s like £8 for prescription medicine now days. “Have you had a temperature?” she continued.

“I don’t know, I don’t own a thermometer” I said.

“You should get one and keep an eye on it. If you get a temperature come back and see me. Its good you came so you know and keep an eye on it” she said. No, what’s good is that a second ago I didn’t take your quick ear check and dismissal, that’s what’s good. “If your temperature stays for more than three days you should go to hospital” she said, as she sent me on my way, wheezing like a fat man thinking ‘hospital? Yeah right!’



Women and Martial Arts

The world is a dangerous place for women. Women are victim to violent crimes like sexual assault and domestic violence on a daily bases. Many women are interested in learning how to protect themselves from violent situations but don’t know where to begin.

Martial Arts places are a fantastic way to learn skills to protect yourself. They help build self confidence, aids weight loss, increases strength and fitness, as well as being a supportive environment to make friends and build a support network.

It can be quite daunting taking he first step in to a dojo but believe me it need not be. Many dojos are full of supportive individuals who are in the same shoes. The first step is to find your nearest martial arts place and book in a session, you will not regret it, the benefits out way the immediate intimidation.

The best ways for women to protect themselves is to be prepared. There are many disciplines that teach the necessary skills for a women to ward off potential attackers, fight back and escape a dangerous situation easily and effectively causing the least harm to all involved.

Giving martial arts a try could be a life saving decision.

Kids now days

There was this child screaming the other day in a supermarket. It was throwing itself along with items off the shelf around. The mother approached it intrepidly and said “Hunny stop that please” then she looked at the staring shoppers and said “She has ADHD”.

Now I’m not saying ADHD doesn’t exist, in some cases I’m sure the child has this medical disability, but I think now days if a kid is a brat it’s automatically got ADHD and given drugs. I mean when we were kids, as with my parents before me, ADHD was not heard of very much. There were very few docile kids on medication and yet most of us, if not all, were well behaved.

Could this change not be due to parenting? Schooling? Adults not having control? I mean heaven forbid we blame ourselves for bringing up children who don’t seem to have morals nor know the difference between right or wrong. I’m not saying children with ADHD have no morals I hasten to add. I mean, some kids are naturally energetic, I was one of those. Jumping about, never relaxed, always planning something, doing something or running around, aren’t most kids? That’s not the argument, they can be energetic and still well behaved. But many kids aren’t nowadays they think nothing of yelling at their parents, kicking and screaming at them. Perhaps this is due to health and safety gone mad.

Another thing I noticed is that lots of kids and teens are socially awkward. They can’t hold a decent conversation anymore. They don’t know how to act in social situations. Now some people have decided this is due to them being slightly on the autistic scale. Again I’m not saying some kids don’t have this problem but this surely can’t be the answer for every child can it? They have too much and are entitled now days.

Could the reason for this not be that most kids haven’t learned how to act with people because they spend most of their time on a iPad, mobile phone or on a computer? They simply haven’t learnt how to hold a face to face conversation without a screen in front of them. It’s not their fault. With all this new technology it’s easier to shove them in front of a telly to keep them quiet rather than spending time playing with them, building communication skills.

kids playing

This isn’t the only reason though. When we were children we would be out playing on the street. Hopscotch was one of the favourites, which again has been banned because the chalk could harm the pavement. Yeah, because it never rains in London and won’t be washed away at any point *Rolls eyes*. How about Conkers, remember that? Banned because it may break and go in to a child’s eye or bruise their fingers. Marbles? Glass may brake. Kids have no imagination now days, remember the days when you would be outside with nothing but a piece of chalk, a ball and maybe an old stick, you had to make up games. The worst we would do would play Knock down ginger or mess up the street with polystyrene pretending it was snow, not stabbing and mugging people. 

Pre work out foods

You should fuel your body before every work out. This will give your body more energy, prevent muscle catabolism and promote muscle anabolism. If your looking for good results, perform and train at your best you should fuel your body. Think of it as a car, you wouldn’t go on a long drive without putting petrol in. if you do not give your body the right nutrients before a workout you will not see results as quickly and the likelihood of injury and illness is increased.

You should have a little nibble at least an hour before your workout. Here are the top 10:

1. Banana: these are full of natural sugars to give you an energy boost before you exersize. It is also a simple carbohydrate fuelling your body throughout and is full of potassium.

2. Greek yogurt and dried fruit: the fruit is full of natural sugars giving you an energy boost and the yogurt acts as a protein promoting muscle gain.

3. Porridge: Contains complex carbohydrates to keep you energised and satisfy your hunger throughout your training session.

4. Fruit Smoothy: Full of sugars for a natural energy boost.

5. Apple and Peanut butter: The apple curbs your appetite and fill you up for longer, the sugar will give you an energising boost while the peanut butter acts as a protein.

6. Omelette: Great source of muscle building protein.

7. Protein bar: Speaks for itself.

8. Protein shake: Speaks for itself.

9. Egg and Avocado: Many people think avocados are full of bad fats but it has been scientifically proven that Avocados have a unique combination of nutrients to build lean muscle while the egg acts as protein.

10. Almonds: Contain more protein and fibre than most nuts and are naturally high in Vitamin E.