All posts by femmefinesseuk

Just an average Humanitarian, eco warrior, Mixed Martial Artist, Rifle shooting, ex Vegan Geek who believes in inner beauty. She also thinks she is a bit of a comedian...doesn't everybody now days!

Martial Arts and Bullying

Martial Arts can help prevent bullying by helping children on both sides of the equation. The Dojo provides a safe environment for all children and teaches discipline, respect, self control, leadership, stress relief, self defence and most importantly Confidence and self worth. Children from all walks of life from every background are taught to work together, respect each other, train and help support through grading creating bonds and friendships.

One of the most important ways to combat bullying is to install confidence in children. Bullies often project their own flaws on others. They crave attention and get it by acting out. By building their confidence these flaws often become less of an issue and the child pays more attention to what they can do. By honing in on their good points and giving approval for good behaviour they will learn there are better ways to get attention. Children who lack confidence also are usually victims of bullying as they are easy targets. Martial arts builds their self confidence and strength replacing their weak, unsure, afraid demeanour with an aura of self assurance so they are not seen as targets.

Body language, posture and Communication skills are extremely important to children. Martial Arts stances exude confidence, many phycological books advise taking a power stance for a quick boost in confidence. Martial Arts also promotes breathing techniques, calm breathing will equal a calm composure. This will help a child deal with whatever it may face with a calm, clear confident tone helping deflect any immediate threat.

Martial arts main lessons are Respect, Discipline and self control . This gives children a clear cut and consistent structure of discipline, teaching them which kind of behaviours are acceptable and which are not. Helping both bully’s and victims to adapt and manage their behaviour to not provoke or react. Bullies usually have a strong need to exert dominance over others and be in control. Martial arts teaches that everyone deserves respect and no one should be mistreated. It teaches victims that they must respect themselves first. Children are taught to be aware of their own thoughts, emotions and to control negative impulses. It also trains victims to control behaviours that may trigger a bully. 

Defence is more important than teaching how to fight, Martial arts teaches students how to defend themselves against attackers. Children get to act out different bullying scenarios and learn how to deal with it, if it ever were to happen. When practiced enough the student will recall and then instinctively respond if they find themselves in a difficult situation. Martial Arts does not promote the use of violence so instead the child will be able to defend both safely and efficiently giving them self assurance and confidence.


Many children suffer from stress and this goes unnoticed. Martial arts gives an outlet for children to let off steam and relieve stress in a save supportive environment. This makes it less likely that they will feel the need to take out their frustrations on other people. Alternatively children who are bullied suffer from high levels of stress they manifest sometimes physically, the exercise will create an outlet and boost the immune system.

By all children being involved in each class and treated as equals they learn to build bonds and make friends so they understand each other and don’t feel alone, frightened and vulnerable. They learn social skills and by grading, learning, leading and teaching each other they learn empathy and understand how others feel. This teaches that they are all the same and they are not alone.

Apple Store

I was pleasantly surprised by my recent visit to the Apple store, it has been years since I last stepped foot in one. I will say that the whole experience was, well, enjoyable. I got myself an Apple watch since my Fit bit broke, it must have been hit in the arena too many times, TIP it will still brake under wraps and boxing gloves. Anyway I was pleasantly surprised at how efficient the store was and how far it has come from my previous visit:

Seriously I hated the apple store, I hated it with a passion. Their ‘geniuses’ were like smiling little slimy gremlins sniffing about for commission like its their “precious”. By no means did I think these creatures were ‘geniuses’, I would go as far as to say they are the total opposite. It’s like when you call a retard special, they have dredged the most brainless bints out of the bottom a swamp.

I rang up because my beloved poddy, iPod to you, was having problems with his headphone jack and this twatty high pitched moron answered the phone.

“Apple store”, Yes I know, I called you, I’m not randomly bashing my phones buttons like an oaf till I get hold of the most annoying person ever. I waited for the “how can I help?”, signifying the start of the next part of the conversation where I tell her why I rang…it didn’t come, so I took a leap.

“Yeah hi, my iPods headphone jack has broken, I can only get sound out of the right earpiece.”

“Did you try another pair of headphones?” No, no that was not the first thing I thought of doing to remedy the situation. I actually thought I would try shoving blue tac in my eye and doing the rain dance while poking it with a crap stained stick.


“Is it still the same?” Are you kidding me? No it was all better so I rang you to inform you of my idiocy.

“Yes” at this point I couldn’t decide whether this woman was being snide or generally was a simpleton. So I added “I also went to the doctor and he said both my ear holes are fine too before you ask, so it’s definitely the headphone Jack.”

Silence, she obviously didn’t have a sense of humour either.

“Yeah so I need to book in and see” I held in my laughter, “a genius.”

“Er…ok…i’ll just check.” Check what? Whether I qualify to see one? The diary? That your brains haven’t fallen on the floor along with your telephone manors? “Yeah the only appointment is Thursday 4oclock”

“Fine ill take that one”

“Alright…….that’s booked in.” How? How did you book it in? You don’t have my name? Did you put me in as ‘some girl’ or ‘headphone lady that’s ears work’? At this point I felt this girl needed help.

“Don’t you want my name?” Moron.

“Oh Yeah”

So I have her my name and email address and hung up before she spread her brainless disease on to me.

On that day I intrepidly entered the apple store, it was like a zoo. There were people everywhere scrambling at laptops bolted to the tables in case one of the apes bashing the keyboards and dribbling ran off with one. It was like walking in to a zombie apocalypse. As I entered, making my way to the ‘genius’ bar, about five of them slithered up to me, easily identified, not only by their Justin Bieber haircuts, sickly smiles, hipster clothes and lens-less glasses but also their red t-shirts with ‘genius’ written on them in bold white text.

“Can I help you?” I doubt it, but I humoured them.

“Yeah I have an appointment”

“Oh yeah,” one said looking pleased like a stupid child that finally gets a question he can answer. “If you go over there to the Genius Bar” he pointed smugly to a table, to which, I hasten to add, I was going to anyway since it read in huge bold capitals ‘GENIUS BAR’.

“Yeah thanks” I exclaimed pitying the brainless fool. I wanted to add “Because I never would have guessed if you hadn’t told me, I would have got lost in this small square shop of wonders, I could have been walking around for hours suffering from malnutrition and dehydration and I didn’t even bring water with me.”

I get to the Genius Bar and a guy comes up to me and takes my name. Then he asks “What’s the problem?” I once again explain. Then he asks “Did you bring it with you?” I just looked at him dumb founded. No I left it at home I was hoping you could fix it telepathically.

I put it on the table and guess what he did, go on guess. That’s right he turned it off and then on again, put it on hold and off again, then did a reset while looking all happy with himself. Yeah because I haven’t tried that already, like the reset is some sort of secret, everyone knows that crap. At this point I wanted to face palm the desk. Then he said “Yeah it’s the headphone jack, the pins have moved” THAT’S WHAT I SAID ORIGINALLY, DID NO ONE LISTEN?

“You have two choices” he said. “Either you can upgrade or you can buy a piece to plug your phones in the bottom”

“Ok ill buy the thing to plug in”

“We don’t sell them here” JESUS CHRIST are you people trying to push me to commit murder?

At that point I picked up my iPod and left seething at the retarded gremlin ‘geniuses’ all looking smug and happy. Why are they so happy always smiling like someone surgically removed all mouth muscle movement? Always squeaking in high upbeat tones “Hi can I help you?”,”Have a nice day”, bugger off! They work in a shop surrounded by apes smashing keyboards, they can not be that happy. I bet they go home at night and cry with that surgical smile on their face. It made me sick, stop being so nice its not natural.

Anyway, Im glad Apple has changed my opinion on their shops and it is no longer like that!


All my mates are having them, you go on Facebook and there is always an update of a scan or picture of a school friends foetus or new born baby. It’s not that I’m not happy for them nor that I hate children just that I don’t want it shoved in my face on a daily bases. I emailed a woman at work once and then she goes and pops a sprig out and sends me and the whole of my 150 strong staffed department a picture of herself and the freshly made baby. I don’t care, I don’t want to see it and I feel its downright selfish of you to send it to people who aren’t interested and you don’t know. I could have just miscarried (in fact I did,) I could have found out I can’t have kids, I could be trying for a while and not yet there. How dare you rub everyones nose in your happiness when they didn’t ask you self involved pompous prick! 

pregnant women

People turn from friend to mum in an instant understandably, but if your out with friends we don’t want to hear how little Tommy has started potty training or smiling, or how his poo has gone from green to brown. The whole conversation revolves around the child and how it is progressing, for us, without children, I’m sorry to say, it’s boring.

Then there are those pregnant women who go around showing off their bellies and wanting you to touch their baby’s kicking. The fact something is moving inside you freaks some of us out especially when you see a lump protrude through the skin like an alien. Don’t show me that stuff, I’d like to have kids someday and that is putting me off.

Where I used to work women would come in to show off their new bundles of joy. Every day there was some wrinkly gremlin looking thing shoved in our faces, “Do you want to hold it?”, nope I’m ok thanks. One of them looked like a hairy Yoda “It’s ok you won’t hurt him” that’s not what I’m worried about, I’m worried ill catch rabies off it. Not just that, but they all still have cradle cap which is basically dry vagina juice, these clothes are clean and I don’t want your innards touching me thanks.

Parties turn from the old fun events, where getting drunk and messing about is the main priority, to everyone watching and cooing over the kids. The girls all exclaiming “oh he/she is so cute” at some kid, snot dripping from its nose, smelling of a poopy nappy getting burped. Conversation quickly turns in to a kid competition “Mine has just started walking at 6 months”, “Mine has started to read at 7 months”, “Mine has done his A levels at 12 months”, “Mine just got a nobel prize for creating a manbearpig using the DNA of several species and splicing it together using CRISPR technology he is only 13 months”.

At this point the kids look like they are having more fun and so I usually join them rolling about on the floor which is always a mistake because now your stuck playing with them. They follow you around and end up doing things like touching hot radiators or standing on steep stairs or shoving their fingers in electrical sockets. All the while mum and dad are busy jabbering on about how great they are, and so you are left to be responsible. You think of a game to play to keep it amused and stop it from killing itself, but that ends up with you bored and them wanting to play again and again and again.

The worst thing about kids though is the screaming. They do it everywhere, doctors surgeries, shops, busses, they just don’t care. It’s annoying and what really winds me up is when the parent either ignores it or tries to reason quietly with it. “Jamima mummy can’t get you that Barbie now she just hasn’t got the time, but further to our conversation earlier I will get it for you next time if your a good girl” NO don’t try and make a deal with it.”You keep crying and ill give you something to cry about” was my mums favourite, one time she left me in a supermarket because I whined about not getting a new pair of shoes, I sure did cry and when she came back to get me I apologised and I never did it again. 

I am probably over reacting to all of this as I am in the prime of my life, the best time to have kids, and I want them. I urge mothers and mothers to be to not start showing off in front of people who show no interest or that you don’t know!

You want me to go in there?

When you need to go, you need to go. Usually I am not too fussy about where I urinate – oh come on we have all been desperate for a wee on a night out and had to use an alleyway. Festival toilets don’t even phase me, with their poo smeared walls and giant well of pee underneath. But I have to say when I stopped at a motorway toilet in France on the way to a wolf sanctuary I was devastated by the situation.

I opened the door to the stone house and chose a metal door to enter expecting to see the usual porcelain seat, when low and behold there was simply a ditch in the floor. So what they claimed to be a toilet was nothing more than a shack with a hole.

This created a problem, how to squat in a maxi dress while gripping on to my flip flops with my toes all the while trying to avoid urinating on myself. It was a feat let me tell you. I managed to hitch my dress over my head and balance vicariously over the hole, my flip flop only slipping once, which was enough for splash back.

But the horror did not end there. No toilet roll.

Luckily my mum was at hand with a packet of tissues I now regretted berating her for. To the rescue she came like a Knight in shining armour. Except these tissues were Albus oiled. So now I am stuck with a pissy foot and a burning foof.

Thanks France!

10 Reasons why Kickboxing is good for adults

1. Increases fitness levels:

Kickboxing is one of the best ways to increase your fitness levels. It incorporates cardiovascular activities as well as strength building exercises. It has been proven that your body will get used to a routine and progress is slower unless you change or increase the intensity but kickboxing classes are always different so your muscles never get used to the same routine.

2. Aids weight loss:

As with any physical exercise Kickboxing will aid in weight loss, but not many excersize classes will give you the same benefits. With kickboxing you are guarantied fun, friends and to learn a new skill.

3. Social:

Every dojo is filled with friendly like minded individuals who are there for the same reasons, to learn a new technique. Learning and taking part in classes together means you naturally progress together in a supportive environment, making friends along the way.

4. Rids stress of the day:

Sometimes the only way to rid the stresses and strains of the day is to take the frustrations out on a punch bag.

5. Helps with flexibility:

As we get older we lose bone mass and flexibility but with exercise we can keep age at bay.

6. Self- defence:

It is important for everyone to know how to defend themselves especially women. Although martial arts in general does not promote violence it does promote self defence and how to get out of situations by causing the least damage to yourself and the attacker.

7. Mental relief:

Martial Arts has been scientifically proven to help with many mental disorders such as depression, eating disorders, and aggression.

8. Sense of achievement:

By learning new techniques and abilities and achieving new belts there is always a new goal to reach for.

9. Confidence building:

All of the above build confidence, self assurance and self worth.

10. Independence and self reliance:

Sometimes as we get older we forget that we can do anything we put our minds to. Kick boxing, progressing and achieving remind us we can reach for the stars without relying on others.

“Gentle relief from constipation” LIES!

It’s never gentle, it feels like someone is twisting your guts with their bare hands.

Once you have taken a laxative you have roughly seven hours before it feels like you are dying out of your bottom. Heaven forbid your not at home when the belly bomb erupts, this is always a danger.

It starts with a deep rumbling like trapped gas, this is the beginning of the end. Yes not only do you have to deal with pain but throw in an embarrassing noisy belly, like you ate a live animal and its trying to send a code through your belly button. It gets worse until it reaches an unbearable hight and you feel like you need to fart. DO NOT! Its trying to trick you, next thing you will feel is a trickle running down your leg. So at that point you run to the toilet and sit down. It’s like your stomach knows.

See I never got that, how does it know? It’s like when you need a wee and the closer you get to your house the stronger the urge and harder to hold it becomes. When you finally reach your front door it becomes almost impossible to keep control of those muscles. You panic and putting the key in the door becomes a struggle like no other, but your bladder wouldn’t be so ready to explode if you were still on the bus. I always try and trick it in to thinking Im still on the bus…it never works…it knows.

Anyway back to the lying laxative. You sit on that toilet in agony it feels like your guts are rotting. You feel like you want to be sick because of the pain. Then come the cold sweats and shakes. You think: “Am I going to die? Its not the way I wanted to go really, on the toilet pants round my ankle with shit everywhere! Still if its good enough for Elvis”..until the release. But this is not the end of it.

You feel better and go and lay down, you need it after that. Ten minuets later, however, the pain returns that little demon is back clawing at your insides. You run back to the safety of the lav. But after this round you are afraid to leave it. So you sit there for ages and end up with a big red toilet seat mark on your bum.

Please tell me which part of this is gentle relief! I think companies should just tell the truth “painful relief from constipation” or “hurts but it will clear you out” What about “will make you think your dying but your not your having a big poo”. They are always skating around what the product does, just put the truth on the box. It’s like Tena lady it’s a nappy for old people, or Tampons they suck up your period, just say that.


I knew I was pregnant when my knee started to feel strained at the Gym, weird right? It was that and the fact that I was worn out midway through an intense work out class which I had sailed through a week before. I then realised I was a week late and took the test. I couldn’t believe it when it came back positive, we had been trying for months and to be honest I felt like all hope was lost. I had spent months feeling jealous of women with their baby on board badges on, women wearing their little bump with pride, Women with a new born strapped to their front or in a pram. Finally it was my turn! I went to the TFL website and filled in the form to get me badge!

Things started happening to my body quite quickly. I was tired and didn’t have the energy for my usual daily hour and a half gym session, I was hungry a lot, my hips, stomach and arse bloated. My breasts got bigger and my nipples were puffy and sore, SO SORE! I was so happy, I never felt better, I was being good to myself because it wasn’t just me anymore. I started yoga and light exercise  instead of kickboxing and weight lifting, I stopped cutting out dairy, carbs, fat and started eating in moderation. I read all the books and followed them rigorously.

“I was tired and didn’t have the energy for my usual daily hour and a half gym session, I was hungry a lot, my hips, stomach and arse bloated. My breasts got bigger and my nipples were puffy and sore.”

The thing no one tells you is that for the first 8 weeks your on your own! My doctor was not interested at all she just sighed and told me to pick a hospital and fill out a form online. I did this in week 6 and I waited, and waited, and waited. I called them on numerous occasions with no answer, I emailed with no response. Finally after a week of trying I got through to someone who booked me in for the following week.

At week 8 something changed, I started to bleed slightly after sex. I went for the 8 week check up (which is the first) and filled in a form wanting to know full family history, vital stats and basicly everything apart from taking information about DNA scrapings under my nails…But by this point I felt something was wrong, I was grateful to be somewhere to raise my concerns. I told them I bled and felt different, they put it down to first pregnancy worry and sent me on my way.

I continued to bleed, this time slightly over the weekend. I called the hospital who told me to sit with a hot water bottle “Its normal” they said “Don’t worry” they replied “Go to the doctors on Monday if it gets worse”. On Monday I was still bleeding slightly so went to the Doctor, she was pregnant and when I told her my concerns and my symptoms she sent me straight to the hospital where I sat in a room filled with pregnant women for four hours until I could be seen.

First the Nurse checked me and did an internal exam, she said she saw blood and would get me scanned. I then waited for a further hour before getting an internal scan which showed the sack and no baby. “You are either miscarrying or your dates are wrong” she said. I knew that my dates were not wrong so we went home. I rested for a few days and on Wednesday decided to leave the house.

While in Saisburys I felt what can only be described as an evacuation of a tin of soup from my vagina. I ran home and when I get there went to the toilet to find a huge (fist size) gloopy mess (The picture is right at the bottom as its graphic so you will have to scroll right down to see) I then put in a sanitary towel and bled through it within 20 minuets twice and had further clots. I spent most of the day in the bathroom. I was worried that I was bleeding too much so called the hospital, they said to monitor the blood and if I am bleeding through the sanitary towel every half an hour for two hours and or if the pain is more than a bad period I should go to A&E. I had no pain and the bleeding slowed down after an hour and a half.

“Monitor the blood and if I am bleeding through the sanitary towel every half an hour for two hours and or if the pain is more than a bad period I should go to A&E”

The bleeding completely stopped after a few days and I returned to the hospital a week later, they did an internal scan and told me I was clean and clear and could go. They advised that I should wait for one cycle before trying so we would know dates. However, what they don’t tell you, and I read on is you should not soak in a bath, go swimming, insert anything (yes including penis) in your vagina for 2 weeks to avoid infection.

“you should not soak in a bath, go swimming, insert anything (yes including penis) in your vagina for 2 weeks to avoid infection”

I guess I am telling you this so you all know that this happens sometimes, you are not abnormal, you are not alone! It can be a very emotional time and to simply know someone else has been through it sometimes helps. It also helps if you are about to go through it to know that it is scary but its ok! You are going to be alright, you will bounce back and you are not alone!!!! Personally my emotions were everywhere, I was angry more than anything but mostly just numb. I felt nothing and people were saying how upset I must be, but I wasn’t and I felt bad for that, but you know what? People deal with things differently and thats ok also. When I went back to the hospital I cried, I was sitting in a room with other women waiting for their scans and I was feeling so sorry for myself I cried, then when she told me I was empty I was number again and then when I got home I cried again. (Scroll down for Graphic picture)

“You are going to be alright, you will bounce back and you are not alone!!!!”















Country Roads, where I don’t belong

So I was working and staying with my friend in high barnet. I loved it but there was one slight hiccup, I had an hours walk to work and back again, which normally wouldn’t bother me. However, there, in what I call the country, it is downright dangerous especially at night.

Firstly the pavements are extremely narrow and you find yourself actually standing in the road to let other people pass. So you end up standing on a very busy road faced with dodging on coming traffic. Why are the pavements not wider? Like if I was building a pavement I would make sure there was enough room for at least two people to walk side by side down it. It’s not like there isn’t the room to even expand the pavement. On one side is the deadly road and on the other just bushes. Cut back the god damn bushes to save people dying, it’s not rocket science.

This is a pretty dangerous during the day, but at night time becomes a fight for survival. The lighting is so bad that you can barely see a foot in front of you. The cars cant see you, they speed around bends oblivious of your presence. If you have to step in to the road now because some other person is coming in the other direction your dead. But now the cars are the least of your worries, actually they become your friend because they bring people and light. Not like those dark bushes, that take up pavement space and could easily conceal a rapist, murderer, thief or dead body. I mean its not like people clean the bushes or look through them, of that I have proof in the form of a dead fox that I have walked past, laying in one of them for a week.

At this point you are probably thinking, why not use the pavement on the other side of the road? Well I will tell you. Because there isn’t one! There is one pavement that cleverly alternates sides. Note the sarcasm in ‘cleverly’. It’s the stupidest idea ever, whoever had it should be made to stand in that road as a lollypop man…forever. I would like to add there would be room for another pavement except for the fact that massive houses with their rich old owners need that extra foot of garden on top of the 90 foot squared one they have.

“But crossing a road is easy” you may say. No it’s not. They don’t even have proper lights or pavements what makes you think someone would put in a crossing.There are no pelican crossings, zebra crossings, red light crossings, or another kind of crossings because that would make sense. So now not only can the cars not see you, your trying to avoid the rapists and hoping someone doesn’t want to walk past you but now you have to cross the road without a crossing or light. Even if the cars can see you they don’t stop. You see the drivers look at you and just drive past. They know you want to cross and don’t care. On the odd occasion someone does stop to let you cross it is usually a man in a white van. Yeah say what you want about white van men but at least they stop traffic tolet you cross.

The last bit of this rant is about this inconsiderate nobs that decide to park on the only pavement and safe walkway forcing you to walk in the road. Where the cars should be.

Some of you may say “we’ll maybe these roads aren’t for walking.” Why is there a pavement then? Ha?

Menosyllabic clubbers

What the fuck happens to men as they walk through the door of a club?

They walk in, hand over their entrance fee and get shot with a retard gun. BOOM! you are now a dribbling mess, say good-buy to the use of your legs and yet help to confidence.

They stand in packs on the hunt for the weak loan sheep that they can pounce on with all the elegance of a bear in a toutou. But sheep are afraid of loud noises, over-enthusiastic movements and slobbering spit in the eye so elope when they have a chance. The chase re-ackers with a different sheep each time, until the pack tire and end up licking their wounds the only way they know how…with alcohol, shoulder lock jumping and shouty singing.

I mean, what the fuck is that shoulder locking jumping in a circle dance anyway? Its like some fucked up ring a ring a roses for kids who’s parents hated them. This is how we hug son, elbow in the face.

By this point, the realisation that no girl in her right mind would even consider the mere possibility of poking one of their pack members with a long stick, they turn to aggression. They bash in to anyone, they swear, they turn to intimidate everyone in a feeble attempt to try and prove their manliness. At this point everyone hopes these arseholes drink so much they choke on their own vomit. It is natural selection.

Mental Health and Martial Arts

Exercise and physical activity in general have been proven to have positive effects and mental stability. Exercise results in the release of feel good chemicals in the brain boosting a positive mood, self esteem and overall wellness. Martial arts promote mental health as well as physical health it embodies a system of mental values, physical and mental relaxation, control of mind and body and increase self confidence.

There have been a number of studies showing the benefits of Martial arts on mental health issues: Improvements in self-esteem (Fuller, 1988), a more positive response to physical challenge (Richard and Rehberg, 1986; Trulson, 1986), greater autonomy (Duthie, 1978), emotional stability and assertiveness (Konzak and Boudreau, 1984) and reductions in anxiety and depression (Cai, 2000). It has also important to note the social benefits of Martial Arts.

While martial arts demands agility, endurance and strength, a large part of the training is about gaining mental stability, focus and control through meditation and learning to find your inner strength.

People who practice Martial Arts find they forget the days stresses and strains of the day and focus on their bodily movements and concentrating on their physical activity. Martial Arts also promotes discipline and control over emotions also providing a constructive outlet for frustration. Breathing techniques and self discipline can be used in everyday activities helping to calm down in a stressful situation. This helps decrease stress and Aggression in everyday life.

Confidence and self esteem are vastly improved giving individuals a self of worth. It also helps women feel safe knowing that they can defend themselves, this greatly helps women who have been through any trauma or abuse. By gaining belts you feel the sense of achievement and success. Its easy to see the development in form and ability as well as the physical results.

Weight loss and fitness is a benefit of practicing martial arts, many people suffering from obesity or eating disorders find it a safe outlet to exercise in a friendly non judgemental environment. The exercise helps curb the binge mentality and the fitness and body change in muscle building and weight loss promotes an overall wellbeing keeping diets on track.

The social benefits of a friendly Dojo and trainees has a huge impact in those who suffer from depression and loneliness. Being around people who are supportive and helpful who understand and are training at the same pace helps individuals realise they are not alone. Being in a safe and comfortable environment learning new techniques and building friendships gives a feeling of fulfilment.

All in all, Martial Arts helps many disorders and is key to a healthy lifestyle.